Automation of painting lines with management of feed speed and working parameters on each machine. Continuous production from recipe, processing monitoring and production reports
- Industrial automations
- Industrial automations
- Handling and Handling
- Technological systems
- Robotic applications
- Automatic lines
- Switchboards
- Technological systems
- Revamping
- Building special machinery
- Control systems and industrial visions
- Robotic applications
- AGV self guided vehicles
- Automatic Warehouse
- Tow trucks
- Test benches and testing
- Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical
- Industrial vision
- Wood sector
- Special Machinery
- Brick
- Leather goods
- Hydrogeological
- Special Installations
- Plastic
- Metalworker
- Paper
- Glazier
- Food-bevarage
- Logistic
- Packaging
- Galvanic